Ah snow days...We only get one maybe every two years or so.
Today just happened to be one of those days. =]
Can you believe it??
About 11 inches of snow.=]
The snow is so pretty.
Really bright when the sun hits it though.
It hurts my eyes.
So yeah, snow days are pretty cool.
I'd go and make a snowman,but I won't for two reasons.
1.I can't find my gloves.=[
2.I don't know how to make one...=O
But just because I can't go outside and make one, doesn't mean you shouldn't go outside and make one.
Go have some fun and make a stinkin' awesome snowman!
For me...Please?
Okay...On To Australian Rock Bands.
I found a pretty cool new Australian teenage rock band called The Black Year(TBY).
It's pretty neat.
Found it on Youtube.
Go now.
To Youtube.
Look up The Black Year.
Dooooo it.
Daphne <3
Huh, Black Year spelled Blaqk Yeah, not a fan. Cool blog though, simple straigh forward.
hey daf wats up i like ur blog it is awesome
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