Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Break~ '08

Yeah, it's Spring Break.
Well, actually, it's Thursday.
In four days Spring Break will be over and I'll be back in school.
Yay...*Note; This 'Yay' is rather sarcastic.*
My Spring Break sucks/sucked.
I've been sick since last Wednesday night.
But, being sick has kind of made me happy.
Being sick makes me happy? Wow.
I read eight books in four days.
That's nice.
I love to read, so if you want to know what to get my as a present anytime, get me;
Well, that's all I had to say.
Besides askign YOU this question;
How's your Spring Break?

Much Love,
Daphne <3

Friday, March 7, 2008

American Idol/ Danny Norriega

Awww, Danny got voted off last night. =[
It was really sad.
I'm for David Archuleta too.
I hope he wins now that Danny's gone.
He's the youngest on the show, but like I said in a past blog entry, he's got an amazing voice.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow Days And Australian Rock Bands

Ah snow days...We only get one maybe every two years or so.
Today just happened to be one of those days. =]
Can you believe it??
About 11 inches of snow.=]
The snow is so pretty.
Really bright when the sun hits it though.
It hurts my eyes.
So yeah, snow days are pretty cool.
I'd go and make a snowman,but I won't for two reasons.
1.I can't find my gloves.=[
2.I don't know how to make one...=O
But just because I can't go outside and make one, doesn't mean you shouldn't go outside and make one.
Go have some fun and make a stinkin' awesome snowman!
For me...Please?
Okay...On To Australian Rock Bands.
I found a pretty cool new Australian teenage rock band called The Black Year(TBY).
It's pretty neat.
Found it on Youtube.
Go now.
To Youtube.
Look up The Black Year.
Dooooo it.

Daphne <3